วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Be Your Own Hallmark

Through the internet and greeting card sites, it's now possible to become
have a Hallmark collection right at your own home. Alright, maybe not
Hallmark like the Hallmark cards of fame, but close to it. You can now
have creative and engaging greeting cards for all occasions from the
comforts of your own home. It is even possible that one room in your house
can become like the display window of your local card shop.

This is because online greeting cards are also printable greeting cards.
Aside from being ecards that can be sent through email, you can also
download a copy of these cards to print on your home printer. That means
aside from being able to email birthday cards, you can also get to print a
happy birthday card to hand out personally to family and friends.

Of course, your choices are not limited to birthday cards. You can also
print out cards for different occasions and purposes. So you can get free
printable birthday invitations from online greeting cards sites. For
showing gratitude for favors small and great, you can also use the
printable thank you cards offered online. And what's great about it is
that they are free thank you cards. Actually, it's not just the thank you
cards. Most of the greeting cards offered online are free! Just make sure
that you read the usage agreement of the greeting cards site carefully to
ensure that the cards are really free. But once assured that they are
free, then you can download and print all the cards that you want. Thus,
it's not that far-fetched to have your own version of Hallmark cards in
your home. Through the printable free cards online, it's easy to make a
card shop out of your own home.

And just like a Hallmark card maker, you can also add your own creativity
to the online cards that you downloaded. This is because some of the
online cards allow some room for customization and editing of the card
design. Though you might not be a Hallmark card maker making cards from
scratch, what you'll get is the next best thing. And who knows? This might
awaken some hidden card maker in you and you might be on your way to
becoming the card maker to rival Hallmark. But until that day comes, you
can be content with printing out creative and fun cards from the comforts
of your own home.

Printable Homework Charts Keep Mom From Pulling Her Hair Out

If you are battling with your kids over doing homework, there is a simple
tool that can really help. Printable homework charts have made a
difference in many homes and they can work in your home, too.

This premise is amazingly straightforward. Kids, like most adults, need
structure. However, most kids do not understand their need for structure
and will not institute any on their own. That's normal and where you, as a
parent, can really shine.

Helping your student get organized using homework charts is easy. Realize
you may have to make tweaks in your system over the first few weeks. Many
parents are frustrated with a new system that doesn't work perfectly the
first time. Don't fall for that! Making changes over time is called
progress and should be celebrated.

Start by sitting down with your child and going over his homework needs
with him.

- How many classes or subjects does he have?

- What are the daily assignments that never change; such as daily reading
or memorizing math facts.

- Are there days of the week he never has homework?

Use this information to get a feel for your child's homework needs and
then head to your computer to get some printable homework charts. There
are a wide variety of charts available online; some simple and some quite
sophisticated. Take a look at your choices and print some charts out to
get started. You can always get different ones later on.

Fill out the homework chart for the first week or month. Consider that
this is a new habit for your child and some motivation to stick with the
program will probably be needed. This is not so much about grades as about
becoming responsible for doing the homework with minimal prodding from

Let the homework chart be the 'heavy' or authority on this issue. Explain
to your child about this new system designed to help make her life easier
(which it will absolutely do if she gets on board with it). Tell her there
will be frustrations at first, that's fine, but grown-ups push through
frustrations with a decent attitude.

Then get started. Each day point to the homework chart and ask if she has
completed it for the day or how far she has gotten. Keep pointing out the
natural consequences for not keeping on top of homework and establish your
own family consequences for not keeping school a priority.

If you begin this system when your children are young and just starting
out with their educational careers, you will find that you don't have any
difficulties nagging about homework as they grow. If your kids are older
and have already established non-productive homework patterns, then your
work will take longer, but you can still get the job done. Let's face it.
Adults complain loud and strong when they have to make changes they don't
like, so why should we expect our half-grown children to be any different?
That's human nature and as parents, we can be patient and show our kids
the great skill of changing ourselves willingly and intentionally.

Use printable homework charts in your home to develop strong
self-discipline habits and a healthy appreciation for education. Good
homework habits are worth their weight in gold over the lifetime of your

วันจันทร์ที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Wii Game Ratings

Wii games are amazingly popular and many Wii games have ratings
appropriate for the entire family. Wii game ratings indicate whether games
are for teens, for mature adults, for children or suitable for all ages.
Wii game ratings therefore help parents pick appropriate games for
children and teens.

One popular Wii game that has a rating of "E" (for Everyone) is called
"Hasbro Family Night Out." This game offers the entire family a chance to
play their favorite classics via the motion-sensitive Wii console. Games
like Battleship, Boogle, Reverse Yahtzee, Portal Cubes, Connect Four and
more are supplied by this fun family favorite. Games are customizable and
the player is even presented with trophies which are themed!

For Wii gamers that appreciate winters sports. there is another game with
Wii game ratings great for everyone: "Winter Sports The Ultimate
Challenge." This game gives gamers a chance to play as a single player or
along with friends and family as each player competes for various medals
and titles. Activities include figure skating, skiing, sledding and more,
great for when it is too warm for snow or too darn cold to go outdoors.
Players get to enjoy wintry activities any time of the year.

If gamers like Olympics, among the "everyone" Wii game ratings one will
find "Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games." A cast of favorites is offered
through this game including Sonic, Mario, Tails, Knuckles, Yoshi, and
Luigi. Gamers are challenged in virtual track and field events,
gymnastics, tennis, and skeet shooting, and gamers can select from single
player options, one-on-one gaming, mission, and/or circuit modes. This
game is fantastic for as many as four gamers at a time too.

While there are plenty of games with Wii game ratings which are
specifically for teens or mature adults, there are just as many games with
ratings suitable for everyone in the family. Your entire families can
establish a Wii night of fun and there are suitable games sure to please
all family members.

To learn more about Wii Game Ratings, I recommend you checking out Cheap
Wii Consoles. It is a specialized Wii for sale site that lists up to the
minute deals on the Wii consoles, Wii Fit and other popular Wii games and
accessories. Be sure to try this website first.

Fitness And Health Self Confidence And Motivation Keys

Motivation Keys To Get Fit And healthy

"Knowing Is Not Enough; We Must APPLY.

Willing Is Not Enough; We Must DO."

To get fit and healthy takes a lot of work. With this blog I try to bring
you what I believe are the best resources to aid you in your quest to get
that six pack abs look.

People can sometimes find it hard trying to do the same routine each and
every week. Which is why I preach to you about using variety in your
workouts. Variety can help in keeping your mental focus and motivation

You see, the knowledge that you gain from reading through my materials is
only one small piece of the puzzle. If you don't actually get up off
your butt and TAKE ACTION, you'll get nowhere, and very fast.

Doing the same workouts over and over is a motivation killer. Eventually
you get bored and stop doing your workouts. There are ways that you may be
able to avoid this and continue on your quest to get fit and healthy.

The root behind the right motivation to get fit and healthy is why you
even wanted to start at all. If you wanted so much to lose weight, add
lean muscle and get that six pack abs look then that would be your primary
motivation to follow an exercise and training program. Then all you need
to do is to keep reminding yourself every day why you are doing what you
do and what you want to get from it.

The 4 Keys and Motivation To Get Fit And Healthy

1) Knowing What You Want
2) Knowing Why You Want It
3) Know What The Cost Is Of Achieving Your Goal
4) Pay The Price For Achieving It

Are you REALLY committed to changing everything about the way you look and
feel? Then take action. Get serious.
So let's start with what your inintial motivation was to get that six pack
abs look. See which of these apply to you or add your own.

1) Be Healthier
2) Confidence having a tight, firm body can be a real confidence booster.
3) Have more Energy lets face it life today is hectic being physically fit
can give you the energy to do anything.
4) Better Sex yeah I had to throw that one in. But it's true.

There are others of course but you see where I'm going with this.

One of the most important keys to sticking to your exercise program is
having the proper motivation. In short, without the proper motivation you
would not be able to stick to any fitness routine, long enough to achieve
any results.

Motivation is something that does not happen in an instant. Motivation
needs to be worked at. Just when you can find enough motivation, it can
also be easy enough to lose. Remind yourself of what your motivation was
to start with.

One way of reminding yourself of the what you are doing to keep the
motivation up is learning to have a visual image of what you want to look
like. If you want to get that six pack abs look, you might want to have a
visual image of what you will look like after achieving your goal.

Another way to keep your motivation up while on an exercise program is by
not doing it alone. Find someone with the same fitness goals you have.
This way, you have someone who can give you the motivation to do better.
Having a friend to work out with can help provide you with the necessary
motivation that you need to keep going.

Another way to keep up your motivation is by keeping track of your
progress. Try to have a record of your previous weight or size and try to
keep track of the changes on a weekly basis to give you an account of the
pounds that you have lost and the inches that have melted away due to your
hard work on your goal to get that six pack abs look. Just by keeping
track and being aware of the positive changes would even give you more
motivation to do better and keep going.

"Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect.
There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect
conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will
grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more
self-confident and more and more successful."

Chicken Pizza - The Delight for All

Pizza is something that is liked by all age group of people is it the
elderly people or the children .it considered as a delight for children.
If one wants their children to be happy just take them out for pizza and
they will be more than happy. There are so many eating joints hat one
finds all over the place for pizza. One thing about making pizza is that
it is very easy to prepare a pizza because all the leftovers and anything
which is available at home can be used to prepare the pizza. All the
leftovers can be used as toppings on the pizza. The chicken pizza is also
called fajita Pizza. The chicken pizza is non vegetarians delight and is
served at all pizza shops.

Ingredients required for Chicken Marination:

a) boneless chicken- half kilograms
b) cumin powder – roasted- half tablespoon
c) pepper powder (white)- one tablespoon
d) ginger and garlic paste – one tablespoon
e)Worcestershire sauce- one tablespoon
f) salt – according to taste

Ingredients for Topping of the chicken pizza:

a) Capsicum – small pieces cut into square shape
b) Butter Mushrooms – sliced into half
c) Black Olives
d) Green Olives
e) grated Mozzarella cheese
f)Cheddar cheese
g)Oregano- a pinch
h)Rosemary- a pinch

How to prepare chicken pizza

* Firstly one must marinate the chicken, all the pieces of chicken.
Chicken marinating should be done in the mixture of cumin powder –
roasted, pepper powder (white), ginger and garlic paste,
Worcestershire sauce and salt.
* After marinating the chicken keep it for around thirty minutes.
* After thirty minutes one can either steam the chicken or on can even
far it. Deep frying should be avoided as it makes the dish really very
heavy and difficult to digest. Moreover pizza is considered as a snack
so it should be prepared keeping this thing in mind.
* The procedure of steaming the chicken is to boil steaming hot water
in a sauce pan and thereafter place the pieces of marinated chicken on
a strainer & then put that strainer on the sauce pan containing the
boiling water. Thereafter cover that pan & cook it on a low flame for
around 15 minutes till the chicken becomes really soft.
* If one wants to go for shallow fry pieces of chicken the procedure
is really very simple. To two tablespoons of vegetable add the pieces
of marinated chicken in a pan & cook it for around ten or fifteen
minutes till the chicken becomes really dry & tender.
* Next comes the step of assembling the pizza. One must go for any pre
prepared pizza dough & spread it on the pizza pan. Next put a smooth
and thin layer of pizza sauce on it.
* Next put a few chicken pieces on the base evenly.
* Now put the grated cheese on the base. The quantity of the cheese
depends on the preference of the people. But the cheese layer must be
really even. Then put the pieces of sliced vegetables on the pizza as
* The last part of topping the pizza includes adding oregano &
rosemary to the pizza. These give a nice smell to the pizza and make
it really tempting.
* Now put the pan in a preheated oven at around 250 degrees centigrade
for around 10 minutes.

Next take the pizza out of the oven after ten minutes whenever it turns to
light brown color from the sides & the cheese has melted completely. The
correct baking procedure involves reducing the temperature of the oven to
around 200 degrees to get the best results.

How to transfer Camcorder video mod/tod to Mac iMovie, Final Cut Express/Pro for editing?

Shoot some excellent videos with your Camcorder, unfortunately cannot
transfer them to your Mac, iMoive, Final Cut, Final Cut Express, Final Cut
Pro for editing? iMovie can't recognize .mod, .tod, avchd (.mts, .m2ts),
mpeg-2 files, in this stage you should change the video files into iMovie
compatible formats: MOV, MPEG-4.

Digital Camcorders : Panasonic SV AV100, Canon MOD Camcorders, JVC (MOD
and TOD) and Panasonic (MOD only)

How to transfer Camcorder video to Mac iMovie, Final Cut Express, Final
Cut Pro for editing?

Step 1: Transfer Camcorder video to Mac.
Plug your camcorder into the AC adaptor, and connect USB plug to your Mac.
A new drive will appear. Open it. Copy the contents of the SD or HD Video
folder onto your Mac.


Step 2: Download and install Camcorder video transfer for Mac

iSkysoft Video Converter for Mac can be used as Camcorder video transfer.
Launch it, and import your camcorder footage to the program.

Free Download: Intel Version, PowerPC Version

Launch it, and import your camcorder footage to the program.

Camcorder Converter for Mac

Step 3: Edit Camcorder video files

Click FLV editor for Mac button to open the trim dialog box


set the start time and end time by dragging the start time and End Time
slider to convert a clip, here you can set the time according to your
require. After you set the start time and end time, you can click"OK" to
finish the trim work. Futuremore, you can press"cancel" button to end the
trim work.

Step 4: Change Camcorder video to MOV, MPEG-4 format.
Define the desired video format and location from the format and output
list, then press Convert button convert flv to avi mac to start
converting camcorder video to MOV, MPEG-4.

converting camcorder video to MOV

Step 5: Transfer the converted Camcorder video MP4 and MOV to iMovie.
In iMoive, Choose File > Import > Import Movies, and locate and select the
file you want to import, then click Import and start editing.


Note: iMovie couldn't directly interface with the camera like it does on a
Firewire one, because your camcorder uses a USB interface.

The Scoop Behind the Infamous Xbox 360 Red Rings of Death

Back in November of 2005 the highly anticipated sequel to the Xbox gaming
system, The Xbox 360 was released from Microsoft. Over the years the Xbox
360 has proven to be a very fun and enjoyable gaming system and arguably
one of the better consoles that are currently available. While the Xbox
360 is full of fun and entertainment, it needs to be pointed out that the
console itself suffers from serious hardware issues.

Since the Xbox 360's release date many users started to have problems with
the Xbox 360 overheating as well as many other hardware and system errors.
Of all the problems there is one error that has remained the most common
that deals with 3 red lights that flash on the start button of the Xbox
360. This problem has been given the title of The Red Rings of Death or
RROD, amongst Xbox 360 gamers. The Xbox 360 red rings just so happen to be
a hardware problem that is the result of the Xbox 360 overheating to an
unstable extent. This issue is common enough to affect around 35% of all
Xbox 360's worldwide, and that's huge considering the amount of systems
that are sold. It has also been estimated that around 7 out of every 10
Xbox 360's are likely to encounter the Xbox red rings at some point in

Once the problems the 360 was having reached Microsoft, Microsoft stated
that the console itself had generated a failure rate of three and five
percent. This is what Microsoft believes to be "well within industry
standards". Since retailers suggested the failure rate was much higher, a
poll was started to test the accuracy of Microsoft's statement. It was
finally realized after the poll, that the Xbox 360 upon it's release date,
was one of the least reliable systems (in terms of hardware failure) to
date. The 360's difficulties grew to the point that Microsoft started
refunding systems purchased in 2005, fixing them, and even extending the
warranty to one year. The problem got to the point that a technical
support line, specifically for the Xbox 360 red rings was added for

Even though the Xbox 360 is a great gaming system, because of the
seriousness of the issues associated with it, these errors need to be
addressed and understood. The information regarding the errors associated
with the 360 allows us to implement the proper measures in order to
prevent the Xbox 360 red rings from hitting our systems. Once you have the
red rings of death your system is basically telling you that you won't be
able to play until your console is repaired. If your Xbox 360 already has
the Xbox 360 red lights then you are going to need a permanent repair for
your Xbox 360. There is a lot of info on the net telling people how to
repair their consoles, but unfortunately most of this info is not accurate
and can actually do harm to your system. Only a few sources of info on the
net will actually show you how to properly repair the Xbox 360, and this
information can be found in the recently released Xbox 360 repair guides.
These guides are available to everyone and will allow you to permanently
resolve the Xbox 360 Red Rings conflict. These guides have helped
thousands of people (including myself) repair their Xbox 360's for good.
It is highly suggested if you are experiencing this problem with your
system to seriously consider the use of these repair guides to repair your